Students in the Year 3 and 4 Sustainable Elective are learning about honeybees and how we can help them survive. To do this we need to find out the scientific features of honeybees. All our students are scientists. They are exploring the parts of a bee, including the proboscis used for sipping nectar from flowers and the antennae used for smelling, touching and tasting. Each week, students record their information in their personal glossaries after experimenting and researching.
Exploring what it might be like to have a proboscis.
Bee watching looking for patterns of activity
Using the digital microscope to see the parts of insects up close.

Tasting different types of honey to compare tastes. Honey sipped from different flowers is made into different honey by bees. We tasted Rata honey and Clover honey. Clover honey was the most popular.
This is a smell test to see if we can identify the five different smells. Bees
smell very accurately from long distances.
How exciting your learning is! I wish we had been involved in this kind of thing when I was at school. I can see you are all well and truly engrossed in your learning. I bet you got some great writing out of these experiences too.