The Year 3/4 students in the Sustainable Elective during Term 1/2 have been learning all about native and endemic butterflies in New Zealand. They have gained in-depth knowledge and understanding about the features of butterflies, scientific classifications, how butterflies help the environment and how people can help butterflies. The students investigated our school Butterfly Garden that was researched and made in 2011 by students in Year 3. The idea was from our school's vision map and was originally a New Entrant classes' idea.
Our butterfly garden has continued to attract a lot of monarch butterflies that the students enjoyed watching their lifecycle evolve but they also wanted to attract other native and endemic butterflies. The students took eight actions during the final weeks of their study. These actions included, a water container, more rocks to rest on and dry their wings while blood pumped through them, trap wasps, put egg shells down to stop snails and slugs eating the plants, add information signs, keep the garden trimmed and set up a roster to look after the garden.
We were all proud of our achievements, knowing we are looking after an environmental feature of our school that is important and will continue to be important in the future.