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Monday, 21 September 2015
The Backyard Garden Group have been fundraising to buy a new wheelbarrow. They made pickle and chutney using ingredients from their school gardens and sold the pickle to our community. They raised enough money to get a wheelbarrow that is easily used by students. With our expanding gardens, this will be very helpful.

Monday, 14 September 2015
Great news! Today, the 15 September 2015 we spotted our first tui in our Cultural Gardens by the classrooms. The tui was busy sipping nectar from the kowhai tree. We have seen tui in our school gully but this is the first time we have seen them in the school grounds by our classrooms. The kowhai tree has been in this garden for a long time, so the reason we are seeing one now is probably because there is enough food for them to travel along the native tree corridors of our river and gully systems. This was very exciting.
The Year 3/4 Sustainable Elective have this term been learning about our native, endemic and exotic birds in our gully, school environment and all over New Zealand. When bird watching and tallying the numbers of birds around our school, they noticed that there were less birds in the school gully. Their research showed them that during winter, birds find it more difficult to find their food. We explored the different foods birds eat, the shape of their beaks and how we could help them. After a lot of consideration and looking at alternatives, we decided to make seed and nectar bird feeders using recycled materials. They look fantastic. We tested our nectar sipping bird feeders with water and then filled them with nectar. On our sharing day with the parents and grandparents, we went down to our school gully to hand the feeders for the birds to enjoy. We also shared our amazing art work and our learning in our books and on our iPads.
Monday, 7 September 2015
Over the last two terms at our Friday Enviro Council Meetings, our students have been very busy exploring and reviewing the Five Guiding Principles for Enviroschools. This has involved a lot of in-depth thinking and reflecting with amazing thoughtful and caring thinking shown and consultation with their peers. The principles are Empowered Students, Sustainable Communities, Learning for Sustainability, Maori Perspectives and Respect for Diversity of People and Cultures. Under each of these principle headings our students developed a list of the many ways we work towards achieving these within our school and community.

The other things this wonderful group have been working on are rewarding students with Enviro Vouchers for helping the environment in our school without being asked and being great role models during the lunch times in the Junior and Middle areas, showing how Wrapper Free lunch boxes can work for everyone. Our Enviro Vouchers are printed on reused paper too.
Our Enviro Councillors look very smart with their new badges that helps identify who they are and when they are needed to help in any way. What a special and motivated team! Keep up the great work!

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