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Monday, 27 April 2015

The Back Garden and Seeds Group have been very busy every Tuesday lunchtime.  They have been harvesting our pumpkins for the community table and to store for winter soup cooking.  They have also harvested and prepared the ingredients for our Hukanui Chutney, using apple cucumbers, onions and apples harvested from their gardens.
Students in this group also care for the native tree nursery and our school native gully restoration project.  They have been busy potting on plants ready to be planted in the winter months.  Their dedication and skill is outstanding.

Students in our Year 5/6 Living Room Caretakers Group meet every Tuesday morning at 8.30am to 9.30am.  During this time, they learn about the Living Room and it's connection to the outside environment.  This special group engages peer teaching from the year 6 students who are in their second year in this group, to the year 5 students who are just beginning their journey.  The Living Room was a huge environmental project, so the past students wrote a manual that explains the history, environmental features, their maintenance and a caretakers schedule which they present to the Board of Trustees.  Each week, they revisit part of this manual, so that they are informed when showing other classes or visitors around this diverse area.  Last week they learnt about the beehive and helped package the honey.  Previous to that, they discovered the planning that was involved during 2005-2009.  This year, they found out about the passive energy the Living Room uses to save resources. These student are wonderful environmental leaders.

The new term is underway and our students continue their enthusiasm to make a difference in our environment locally and globally.  The Year 3/4 Sustainable Elective have been busy learning about honeybees and the vital role they play in the pollination of plants and consequently our food production.  They now know that honey is a bonus and pollination is the number one reason why past students wanted a school beehive.  The students have been helping with the care of the beehive and harvesting the excess honey.  We always ensure that the bees have enough honey in the hive to eat, especially over the lean winter months.  Check out our stunning student helpers!